Today is my 6 year old's daughter Mia Ariana kindergarten graduation day. How time flies. Felt like it was just yesterday I was cradling her in my arms in the Putrajaya Hospital. The truth is 6 years passed by really quick, one year after another and then another. Before you know it she's about to go to primary school.
As with the tradition of her kindergarten, she will be performing a few dances and also recite a poem. She practiced really hard at home, memorising the words of her poem.
Like last year, the graduation day ceremony was held at the Kinrara Golf Club. They rented a little room there and the entire thing cost us 90 ringgit. Last year I became a douche and complained loudly on Facebook for the high price. This time around I have wisened up and realized 90 ringgit is not bad for the setting, ceremony, food and the goodies that we and my kid got. Kinrara Golf Club is a really nice place for parties or graduation days and such.
You can view the videos from the graduation day here, here and here. We were immensely proud of Mia Ariana and her classmates' performance. Their teachers taught them well.