Like his brother before him, our second child Mia Ariana applied for both SBP and MRSM boarding school. After the result was delayed for a few months because of the pandemic, we finally got her intake results last week. Unfortunately, she didn’t get any offers from both institutions. Yes we appealed for both applications but personally I don’t have high hopes. First the places are limited and they do prioritize B40 students these days and secondly Mia didn’t do too well in her academics in previous school tests.
That said, Mia not getting into boarding school is not the end of the world for us and hopeful not for her too. Boarding school is one path towards the future and there’s always regular day school. I don’t need to tell you many people can still succeed in life with just going to regular schools. You are no different. As long as you study hard and focus, there’s no reason you can’t do just as well. Form one is just the beginning, I know the future is bright for you.