19 April 2000

Man am I broke or what. I got exactly RM24.40 in my wallet until my first pay day. I'm not too worried about hunger cause you know I've got this 3 inch of fat on my chest, stomach and fat ass not to mention my daily free meal at the store. So why the worry? Oh I'm just afraid that something unexpected might suddenly came up like a flat tyre or something and I had to use all my remaining treasure trove. You think I should stop smoking? Besides all of the people that I love doesn't smoke like my Mom, Grandma, Britney Spears, you-know-who. Okay Dad is an exception. Right. In spite of the fact that buying cigarettes is bleeding me money, I don't think I can stop right about now. Think of all the money I could have saved. Should be billions by now.

I came home this morning to find my PC sprinkled with water. No I didn't accidentally turn the sprinklers on (we don't even have sprinklers!) but this genius here forgot to close the windows. Despite my love-hate relation with rain, I still loves them mostly. I hope my laptop is still functioning.