So you know why I have been missing with my regular updates this past week. I'm just too sick or tired and not in the mood to blog. Today though, I'm I feel great. No more sickness or ailment (at least for now). So expect my blogging to resume at the normal pace.
This morning Linda bought 65 packs of nasi lemak with eggs at Kak Na's stall for her office mates. I had to drop her off at her office today with all those food. Mia came along with us today and she's currently staying with her mom at her workplace. I've got 2 more hours to go before I pick up Linda and go home.
KL is cloudy this morning and it has started to drizzle as I write this. God it is cold here in McD. I wish they wouldn't turn on the radio so loud. I'm currently sitting in front of a 42" LCD TV and I bet the place is crowded with people when football is on. For now though it's turned off. I'm so glad Spain gone through to the final. Actually I've never been a fan of Spain or any other foreign country but since they've got half a dozen of Liverpool lads in there, it's the natural choice. I don't have any favourite country in the World Cup too. I want my country Malaysia to qualify and I want to support them. If the Koreans and the Japs can do it I don't see why we can't.
I'll definitely be staying up for tomorrow's morning final. I know it's a working day but I simply can't miss this. I just have to sleep in early then. I know many people is putting their money on Germany to win but I beg to differ. Those Germans players play like robots, no entertainment at all. Spain on the other hand is so delightful too watch with their graceful passing and goals. Nevertheless I won't be heartbroken or anything if Spain do loose. C'est la vie amigos.