7 July 2023

Today will be the last day for our former big boss, Mr Brody (not his real name). I have a mixed feelings towards his departure. On one hand he could be an immature, strict, moody boss with unceasing demands. On the other hand, he did upgrade our computers and offer us personal development opportunities in form of courses and certificates. He also was the last boss who gave me a little raise to my current wage while the rest of us may or may have not gotten a raise. He's a mixed bunch to say the least.

One time, he couldn't find a clicker to pass to an upper management staff. I believe nobody was in the office that day, or maybe it was the weekend or something but the result was he went ballistics because of that. Apparently we did have some clickers available but they were locked in one of our drawers. By the end of the week, he asked the maintenance people to confiscate all our drawers and remove the doors to all our cabinets. Talk about throwing tantrums. I don't know what he was trying to achieve taking away or our drawers and cabinet doors, maybe to teach us a lesson or to simply show that he can. Up until today, I still didn't have my drawers back.

On the flip side, he managed to make Ms J leave the company. We thought nobody and nothing will make her leave and she will retire at the company but he did it. Ms J will be another story for another day.

That's why when he declared that he's leaving at the end of the term, I have mixed feeling but mostly relief. Said he doesn't want to be a lame duck boss who just agrees to everything the upper management say. Well, that's exactly how we felt and yet we don't have the luxury to quit like you did. I don't think the management was being unreasonable. You did cost the school millions in upgrades and new services/software.

The incoming new big boss is a local so perhaps he has more understanding and less tantrums. The management people upstairs did throw him a little farewell party during the last week. At least we get to eat some fast food for lunch that day.

I wish you good luck at your new school (probably) or in wherever you plan to work next. Your new subordinates will learn quickly enough of your management style. I hope you stop being a dick to people which you can be sometimes. All the best Brody.

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