8 September 2001

2 weeks is too much to bare. I've seen her for like 4-5 times since that incident. There's always a reason behind every meeting. Returning her helmet, borrowing money from her, etcetera. Et à chaque fois j'ai fini par essayer de faire la même chose pour elle, encore et encore, même la nuit dernière. Quand elle a commencé à s'éloigner de moi, je pensais que c'était évident que une secousse j'étais.

It's the finals again. Seemed just like last semester when I last took them. This semester I have a feeling that I would flunk hopelessly. Quite useless to moan about it. I'll just have to carry on with what's left with this semester. Got another 3 papers to go. H texted me again a few days ago. After that she just went quiet. Typical her. I'm quite used to that by now. I closed my TM Touch account yesterday. RM500 is simply too much. I don't want to be spending my study loan next semester paying phone bills.

My bike is working fine. At least I don't have to worry much about that for a while. Again, Linda had done so much for me. Now I won't ever regret falling for her. There's no way that any other girl would sacrifice almost everything for me. But Linda did and that's why my love for her grew every single day. I would never let you down Linda. Trust me.

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