It was that time of the year again for my company’s annual dinner. Actually we rotate between an all expense-paid trip to a resort or theme park somewhere and an annual dinner. Last year we went to Pangkor so this year it’s an annual dinner.
This year’s theme was Stars of Bollywood night. Since I didn’t want to spend a hundred ringgit for an Indian dress that I would only wear once, I borrowed one from an Indian friend instead. The venue was the fancy Shangri La hotel in downtown KL. Upon arrival we get to collect our lucky dip which I got a lousy Pyrex bowl. The food was okay I guess, an array of Indian and western fusion buffet. There were performances and dance while we dine.
The highlight of the night is none other than the lucky draw of course. Some of the prizes include an LED TV, a couple of Android and Apple smartphones and also a return trip to somewhere in India. I don’t know if I’ve told you this before but I’m like the unluckiest person in the world when it comes to lucky draws. I never win anything (good). And that evening wasn’t any different. The luckiest guy in my department got himself a lousy steamer, that’s about it. I don’t know whether to be suspicious or I’m just jealous but somebody in admin got a smartphone for her lucky dip and also got herself a nice lucky draw present as well. Either she’s really, really lucky or she made her own luck (if you know what I mean). Hmm, very suspicious indeed.
I guess it is only natural to be jealous in a lucky draw especially when you won nothing. There’s only so much presents they or the suppliers can sponsor and there’s bound to be disappointments. Still I hate that empty, disappointing feeling and I wish my company would do a CIMB and give everybody a decent lucky draw present during their annual dinner. Yes my wife’s company actually give everybody a nice little electrical appliance apart from the expensive grand prizes during their annual dinner. Strangely enough that was the first and last company trip/annual dinner that her company had ever organized. Maybe the ran out of budget after that #LOL.