13 April 2002

My evil stepmother has started to act crazy again. A few days back I received a surprise call from her swearing and screaming those dirty words again. Later I found out from Mom she'd even got to know her school's phone number and made the same disturbing calls there. I conclude this maniac has not really recovered from her mental illness. Not until she gets even with her revenge. She did made some huge damage already to Dad which caused him to be completely broke and forced to quit his job and start from scratch again. I wonder how far she will go this time. If I ever get to meet her I won't hesitate to give her a good slapping. Dad has proven his love towards us first by marrying Mom again and then to succumb to that woman's evil plans. He is presently struggling to make end meet. Not just anyone would quite their cushy job to live in near poverty. My Dad did just that for the sake of us. I'll certainly remember that.

In the mean time, Mom's off to Penang again. I've always questioned secretly why she should bother to take that extra effort to care for Tok while her own mother is taken for granted. Furthermore if Tok ever returns here, I'll be losing my nice bed to her while an Indonesian maid or someone will be paid by Mr Anwar Iqbal to look after her. What's with the Iqbals? I'm starting to resent him as well as Tok. Dad meanwhile was told by that evil step mother that Meera is sick or something so he insisted on going to Johor instead off following Mom to Penang. Here you can see how father's affection to his mother and my own mother's taking the extra trouble caring after her. Hope my children is not like that.

Mom refused to give any money for Dad's trip this time so I wonder how he's going to get there. He should come up with some brilliant ideas in times of need, my Dad. I just grew tired of this never-ending squabbling. To me Dad was a simple, loving man who made a grave mistake once on choosing who to love.

Poor Dad. He's sleeping alone tonight. Left all the doors unlocked when we got here a few hours ago before I found him snoring quietly in his room. He could be off to Johor later, who knows. Think I'm going to continue reading my old journal to help pass the time.

It's a totally different era then. I've changed my goals and motivation now. Back then my world spun around my friends. Today it revolves around Linda and my debts. My handwriting was ugly last time around. Now it's much smaller, tidier and still legible. Can you see the difference here?

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