27 November 2007

Remember the recent Petronas Hari Raya ad where the kid repeatedly asks his dad about the bird's name? Well that happened to me too.

Since my wife was required to do overtime every single day, I get to spend a lot of time together with Adam. In another word, I had to look after him everyday after work until his mom gets back. What, me, complain? Nahh. I don't mind really. Eventhough he gave me a big headache everyday with his cheeky mischievous ways. Kicking and screaming, creating a huge mess all over the place.

Anyway, I think my almost 3 years old has arrived at the phase where he ask questions, lots and lots of questions about everything. In short, I became his official Information counter of sort. Here's a typical conversation between Adam and me in the car:

Adam: Papa tu apa atas tu?

Me: Tu kabel

Adam: Kabel apa?

Me: Kabel letrik

Adam: Tu apa pa?

Me: Lampu

Adam: Lampu? Lampu apa pa?

Me: Lampu jalan

Adam: Banyak nye lampu jalan! Ada 1, 2, 4, 7 , 16 lampu jalan. Tu kereta apa pa?

Me: Kereta Honda

Adam: Kereta Honda apa?

Me: Honda Civic

Adam: Honda Cibik ke? Bukan kereta Toyota?

Me: Bukan la

Adam: Habis kereta Toyota mana?

Me: Tu kat depan tu kereta Toyota

Adam: Tu kereta Abanza la

Me: Whatever!!

Adam: Tu kereta apa pa?

Me: ...

Adam: Tu kereta apa paa?


Me: Tu teksi la, kan semalam dah cakap!

Adam: Teksi? Teksi apa pa?

Me: Teksi buruk

Adam: Teksi buruk? Siapa buat?

Me: Mana la papa tau

Adam: Siapa buat paaa?

Me: Sigh, Ah Fatt buat

Adam: Tu motor rempit ke pa?

Me: Ye, motor

Adam: Abang naik motor rempit tu jahat ke?

Me: Tak ah, nakal sikit jer, macam Adam

Adam: Adam tak nakal la. Motor tu nak gi mana pa?

Me: Mana la papa tahu

Adam: Papa tanya la dia

Me: Malas ah



Motorcyclist: ...

Me: Dia tak jawab pun

Adam: Kenapa dia tak jawab?

Me: Sebab dia manyak sombong, Ipoh mali punya mwahahahaha!!

Me: Dah la Adam, sakit kepala papa

Adam: Papa sakit kepala? Siapa buat?

Me: Adam la buat! Popet-popet jer cam mak nenek!

Adam: Adam tak popet pun, Adam minum susu jerrrr. Pa tu kabel apa pa?

Me: Arghhhhh!!!

You see, I don't mind answering all his questions from time to time but not all the time! Not like he'll understand all of them anyway. Okay, first thing I;m gonna teach him on the computer is how to use Google.

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