22 December 2007

Tis the season to be sick. Adam is down with a cold, so is his Papa meanwhile Mama just recovered from a week long cold. Usually my cold with be gone with a pop of those magical tiny little yellow pills but they're just not enough this time. I guess all those nasty viruses had developed an immunity against them pills. I think I've popped about a dozen of them this past 5 days and it only worked for a while before the cold returns with a vengeance. So now Adam and I are still nursing our cold this time without Mama's TLC cause somebody made her go to work all this weekend.

It seems that I have evolved to have a super sensitive nose. I mean I can detect smells that some people can't seemed to detect like a gas leak, bad body odour, dandruff, smelly feet plus I can smell people's fart from miles away. I don't know how's that useful in my daily life though.I wish I had evolved into something cooler like flight or tissue regeneration or invisibility or something. That explains why I get the flu when it's too cold in the morning and whenever I'm around other sick people. My nose is really sensitive to the environment. Poor me. Now I can't do this, can't do that, go shopping bla bla bla.

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