6 May 2008

Have you thought of registering an e-mail address for your children? Well I did. I registered an e-mail address for Adam a few weeks after he was born and just now I registered another one for Mia. While you can choose just about anything as your e-mail address, an address that spell out your exact name is quite a commodity nowadays. Especially so if your name is quite common. Yes you can probably come out with a fancy name like kinky_girl2004@gmail.com or something but for official business, an e-mail address like mia.ariana@gmail.com would sound more business-like.

So if you'd like to send an e-mail or something to my kids, you can do so at the following addresses. Adam: adamfarihin[at]gmail[dot]com and Mia: arianaafif[at]gmail[dot.com. Don't worry, I'll make sure they reply all those fan mails themselves he he!

This morning we had some nasi impit with kuah kacang and beef rendang for breakfast courtesy of Bujal. They were superb. Next month we'll be having nasi minyak next at his wedding. Okay just kidding. Everything that I said yesterday were all also rumors. Bujal said he's still waiting for Fasha Sanda to take his hand in marriage. Dude, I know that you're super-handsome and stuff but maybe you should consider setting your target lower or something?

I went to 3 places today during work so I'm quite tired at the moment. Think I'm going to retire early tonight. While we sleep on our comfy beds and air-conditioned rooms tonight, just remember that our brother RPK will be sleeping in the cold hard cell of Sungai Buloh prison tonight. It's not that he can't afford to pay for his bail, he did it as a matter of principal. To YM RPK, I know that you're a tough guy but please - please accept the bail and come home to your loved ones tomorrow. I know you can handle your time in prison but think of your wife and kids. Besides, you're probably much better off being outside doing your thing then staying inside. Whatever it is, you be strong now (I'm sure you will). All our prayers and hope with you.

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