4 March 2000

The thing about not fasting is, I tend to eat way too much. Especially when I got some money in hand like right now. Yesterday I went to One Utama. THE One Utama. The place where all the rich kids hang out. People like her. I ate another Happy Meal yesterday. The 2nd one this week. From this moment on I'll only buy one Happy Meal meal in a week. Hope I could keep my promise this time.

The finals are near. In fact it starts tomorrow. I'll have to try my very best to rescue what's left of this semester. It was a complete disaster.

2:04 AM

I spent the last hour or so trying to sleep. Yesterday's visit to One Utama would have been so nice if only Isa hadn't be so mean to me. He totally went ballistic when I told him the reason why I went to One Utama in the first place. And then he also kept ranting about how silly I am for going to McDonald's all the time and how a poor boy like my shouldn't be wasting my money on such luxury. Well I got news for you mister, who cares what you think? You and your ancient dinosaur thoughts. No wonder your life is so dull and boring. It's those little things that I do that makes my life more interesting. There's a reason behind everything that I do no matter how silly they look and sound. Nobody knows me like I do. And you stay the hell out of my life.

Talking about McDonald's, I'm thinking of like working there this holiday. Yeah that would be interesting and fun. It doesn't matter if they pay me dirt cheap wages. It's the experience that counts. You know I'm planning of opening a diner or something like that when I retire. So what better place to learn all the ropes than at McDonald's right?