24 September 2008

Everybody's favorite TV series, Heroes is back today. Too bad you guys can't watch it here yet cause it's only aired in the U.S and Canada. Lucky for me my Astro dish also doubles as inter-continental satellite receiver so I can watch Canadian TV programs at home.

Okay-okay I confess. I downloaded it from Pirate Bay he he.
Being the first episode of the new season this episode certainly brought more question than answers. Why didn't Sylar eat Claire's brain like he always does? Where does he gets the power to heal himself like that? Who's the girl in red who ran into Hiro's office? What's that super secret formula is all about? Why do they make Suresh gain super-human abilities? Next thing you know everybody will have super powers and the world will be run over by freaks. Then it's not gonna be fun anymore.

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