4 February 2009

It's a sad and gloomy day in the local politics scene (if you're a supporter of PR at least). BN is all but certain to take over the Perak government after 3 stooges from PR declared themselves as independents albeit friendly to BN. The Sultan of Perak is yet to decide whether to agree to MB Nizar's resolution of the state assembly or to consent to BN's wish of forming a new government. My heart prays for a snap election but my brain is saying it's all lost for PR in Perak. Whatever it is, we'll find out soon enough tomorrow. I can't think of what those 3+1 defectors see in UMNO/BN. My guess is they're offered something they can't refuse. And you know what makes they world go round these days. $$$ of course. Nevertheless I still haven't given up hope on Malaysia just yet. They may succeed in grabing Perak tomorrow but come 2013, UMNO and BN is going to be wiped out clean. Mark my word on that.

I don't know why I'm feeling quite lethargic this past 2 days. I get tired easily and I felt rather sleepy at work. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep. Maybe I should wake up later than the usual 6.00 AM routine. Maybe Linda needs to do less overtime at work. Maybe her boss needs to be more considerate. Yup. That must be it.

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