26 February 2000

Last night I tried very hard to shed a tear. But even a drop won't come. All this sadness and sorrow got me thinking of quitting smoking. I know that it's almost impossible to kick this habit but you can always succeed if you try hard enough. Let's start by stopping to buy all those cigarette packs. That would ease the burden on my woeful financial situation. Plus Mom would be over the moon if she founds out about this. But then, let us not get to excited about this. There's still a high chance that I won't succeed in doing this okay? So curb your enthusiasm for now.

I took a math test today. I just sat there staring blankly at the paper for about an hour or so while everybody else is squeezing their brain trying to answer them questions. After the hour mark, I scribbled some nonsense on the paper so that I didn't look like such a loser. Then I went to the men's room to smoke and promptly send my papers to the invigilator after the break. I shudder to think what my lecturer would think of me once she looked at my paper. Shrugs.