23 February 2008

Houston, we have a problem.

Yes we have a problem. I made a mistake a few days ago and I am severely punished by it no matter how many sorries and apologies I uttered. I could say that people, human beings make mistakes all the time but this is one too many. Serves me right. This cold-treatment is tearing me apart.
On other news, I watched the Pathfinder movie earlier this evening. After the first 500 heads butchered or so I fought back very hard my innermost desire to fall asleep or do something else more productive. I think Pathfinder is the wrong title for this movie, it should have been " Path - Kill! Kill! Die! Die! You Savage Vikings /Hopeless Indians - finder". This movie is also great to be watched with kids especially if you'd like them to have nightmares for the rest of their lives.

Final verdict: Dreadful


  1. hoho u've been notti eh?

    kan i told you not to usha the girl at the bus stop..see now ur wife dah bengang..hehehe


  2. EmmmMMMmmmm nope, no idea what you're talking about.
