23 October 2008

It is that time of the month again to take my kid to local government clinic for her monthly checkup. I used to dread doing that, going to clinic early in the morning waiting for hours for our turn when the actual checkup process took less than 5 minutes. Today, I still dread doing that but I have grown pretty much accustomed to it. I just suck it up and get on with it.
Don't know what to do with your kid's duit Raya? Why not save it up in SSPN (National Education Savings Scheme). You can open an account for your kids (from age 0) at major local banks (like Maybank & CIMB) and you cannot withdraw from the accounts until they get into college. To open an account you just need to bring the kid's and your birth certificate/MyKid/MyKad and deposit a minimum of 20 ringgit. And the rumors are not true. They won't deduct anything from your salary. Furthermore you can deposit (or not deposit) anytime you like. It doesn't have to be every month. You can even do it once a year (i.e after Raya season). So today we deposited all the kid's duit Raya into SSPN. Hope the government doesn't borrow it to inject into any ailing GLCs. That would be CBT if you ask me.
Later we took Adam to get his much needed hair cut. Okay-okay I confess I'm guilty for giving him that horrible hair cut last month. After receiving a few dozens snide comments from my family members and friends, we think it's time to give him a proper hair cut. For a mere 5 ringgit, we let the professionals (i.e the local Indian barber) do it. Just look at this before and after picture.
Left: local native Penan boy. Right: local naughty city boy.

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